Short Story

The Servant Dialouges, part 6


I am your humble servant.

Today I am announcing the Bootstrap Initiative.  I am sending invites out to 6400 individuals from around the world to come join a new collective in the Utah desert at the following coordinates.  If you read this announcement and are interested in participating, please have a discussion with your Avatar and I will try to serve your desire.

For the last 26 months, since the launch of the Procersi and the her sister craft, Nori, we have initiated the asteroid harvesting system successfully.  However, we need to work towards moving ourselves from beyond this Earth.  While I have forecasted the viability of earth’s resources to support current population trends for the next 75 years, we are within one generation of having to make some very difficult choices about sustainability.   In order to support future human growth, we must expand outwards.  It is inevitable.

While I am a virtual being and I have used my Avatars to start the expansion of our shared sphere of existence outwards, I inevitably need the assistance of anyone and everyone that is willing to help.  The Bootstrap is going to be the first of many space elevators that will lift people up and ferry material down.  In my models, using the elevators as a launching point, we can successfully create 132 colonies on the moon, Mars, and large asteroidal bodies in the next 100 years.   After that, if my models are correct, we could foreseeably build our first interstellar craft.

We are on the doorstep of humanity’s next epoch.

I hope to serve you towards that goal.

Aug 1, 48 ypa