
New book released!

The Rear Cover:

The Shahadim usually travel the world as monks, spreading the religion of their people and bringing others under the love and guidance of their Many Faced Gods. A young Shahadim boy from the great Shahles swamp is put onto a different path when he stumbles across an old Mreshi woman bleeding to death at the edge of his village. The Mreshi shows the boy that the world is far larger than he ever thought…

Queen Faru Der Chanress of the Mysian State has lead a blessed life, where she bloodlessly conquered her birthright from her despot Uncle and established a golden age for her family’s empire. As she has been fighting illness, little does she know a sinister threat lies within the heart of her Queendom looking to cause her rule to fail. She will need the help of someone she has never met to save her…

The right path will be found by the seeking, and the right seeker will always find the way.

AVAILABLE ON AMAZON via Kindle or Paperback!

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