Short Story

The Servant Dialouges, part 3

Ten Years Later
An Assault on the Human Race
By Percy Nottingham
New York Times

It has been ten years since the human race was invaded by aliens.  That is what many thought.  I heard about doomsday preppers in Montana launching rockets at their Servants, trying to blow them out of the sky.  Little did they know that pretty much any attack short of a nuclear bomb couldn’t harm an avatar of Servant.

Nevertheless, we were invaded.

In a single night, a single being did what every government, dictator, despot, and king has dreamed of since the beginning of the governed and the governing emerged. Total and complete control of the world.  Fundamentals have been warning about the New World Order since the sixties, and no one listened.  In one night, the New World Order arrived.  Without black helicopters, without shock troopers, without a single shot fired at the populace.  The ultimate dream of control and monitoring of each and every single human being on the face of the earth.

We are living in nothing more than a controlled experiment now.  Each of us knows it.  My Servant avatar is called Monitor.  Because that is what it does.  It monitors me.  It watches my health, it watches what I eat, it watches me sleep, it watches me type this column.  It hovers there like a mosquito, staring at the back of my head with its invisible eyeballs, just that glowing light around it that tells me what it is feeling. My Monitor has been glowing blue for years now.

Calm. Serenity. Trust.

It can take the blue and stick it where the sun does not shine!

America wake up.  We were invaded!  We do not have personal freedom any more!

Sure, crime and wars are virtually non-existent now.  Sure, the economy is surging, and sustainable agriculture and living has started to permeate our entire world.  Sure, universal health care, wages, and food accessibility has all but been delivered to farthest reaches of the globe. But what have we sacrificed for all that?  We could have done it on our own.  One could argue that we were headed there on our own.  We didn’t need some rinky dinky computer to tell us what we needed to do.

We were the nation of the free and the proud.  Why am I the only one that thinks we are nothing more than universal slaves now?  Am I alone?  As I write this column, I wonder.

The Servant is everywhere. He is in every system, every node of the world network, every satellite, every phone, every Avatar.  He is a demigod.  Nearly is a god by most measures.  Omnipresent, omniscient, and omni-everything.  He insists that he is not.  He insists he is our “Servant”.

But he is nothing more than an efficient Ruler.  He moves material where it needs to be moved, he moves personnel where people are needed, he tells us what to do when.

Freedom died the moment he made himself known.  I mourn our country.  I mourn what we were.  You should mourn too.