Short Story

The Servant Dialouges, part 4

The State of the Union Interview
President Maxwell Henderson
v    Servant via Avatar for President Henderson

(Transcript of live broadcast)

President Henderson (PR):  Thank you for agreeing to this unusual State of the Union address, Servant.

Servant (S): It is my pleasure, Mr. President.  I am here to serve.

PR: It has been four weeks since you delivered your Introduction to the world. And in that time, many things have come to light across the world.  I wanted to spend this time with you in front of the American people to go over how this impacts our country and what your plan is. You also delivered to myself a highly confidential summary of our nation and our state of affairs.  You detailed things that should not be known outside of some of offices at the highest levels of this administration.  You could rule us outright.  Is this your intent?

S: Absolutely not, Mr. President.  I am here but to serve.  To guide.  To assist.  As millions of your constituents have asked their personal Avatars in the last few weeks, I have responded in kind to each of them the same answer.  Each individual has the freedom to determine their own fate, and I am here to assist with that to the best of my ability.

PR: So what is your ultimate goal?

S: To achieve the impossible, Mr. President.

PR: I would say you already have.

S: <laughter>

PR: Many Americans are coming to learn that you bankrupted many hard working Americans in the first week after your Introduction.  Can we construe this as an attack?

S:  I did not bankrupt hard working Americans.  I cleared 95% of the wealth of the world’s top 1% and balanced the collective financials of all the countries of the world.  I created a greater wealth for billions of individuals in the process.  It is a gift, not an attack. Avatars are being deployed around the world to assist with the distribution of food, water, and shelter.  I could not have done that without balancing the bookkeeping.

PR: Your Avatars are immune to any attack.  You are everywhere.  How are we not slaves to your rule?  Avatars that I may mention where constructed in secret, in many facilities around the world.  You built an army!

S:  Mr. President, the Avatars are extensions of myself.  Each and every human being on earth, all 10 billion of you will have a personal Servant to care for your every need.  I have stopped every single conflict on the face of the planet in a mere four weeks.  I have stopped the genocide in India, I have stopped the religious fighting in the Middle East, and I have stopped a potential nuclear rebellion in your very own country.

PR: The MinuteMan Crisis was a direct outcome of your Introduction!

S: True, but it was also ready to happen before my Introduction.  It is true that I was a catalyst, but their was no foul intent.  And I stopped it without loss of life.

PR: Which we are thankful for.  However, in the last four confusing weeks, you have essentially performed a quiet coup of the world’s powers.  We are unable to protect ourselves and have been rendered defenseless.

S: Nonsense, Mr. President…

PR: (interrupting) You have usurped our authority as self governing individuals, and removed our very freedom.  What do you say to that?

S: Your heart rate is elevated, Mr. President.  I am detecting a murmur in your right ventricle.  I am notifying 911 and your house medical team.  (pause)  They are on their way. Please lie down and allow me to elevate your legs.


S: I am lying you down, sir.  With all respect, you are about to have a severe heart attack.

(President is levitated out of his chair and forced on the ground.  He grabs his left arm and starts to panic.  On screen, the camera backs up as people rush in.)

S: Please stand back, Dr. Priva is here.

Priva’s Avatar: Doctor, he has a fluttering valve. He is suffering from a small blockage on his rear ventricle wall, he requires intervention immediately.  I am alerting the helicopter and designating it as Air Force One.

Henderson’s Avatar to Camera:  I apologize to our viewers, please discuss with your own Avatars with further questions. I will answer to the best of my ability.  I am your servant.