
New Release: PANTHEON

PANTHEON by Sean Robin Hughes

Emma White is on her gap year, at least that is what she tells the customers that are nosy enough to ask. Her priorities are just getting by with her job at the coffee shop, spending time with her loving aunt, and trying to blossom into a functioning adult, whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. Isn’t that what a gap year is supposed to be for? As she is closing up one night, a beautiful stranger invades her life, bringing an ancient power struggle along in her powerful wake. It will take all of Emma’s strength, care, and emotional investment to avoid the end of herself, all she has ever known, and every living thing in the cosmos. The Gods have awakened.

Released on Smashwords ePub/Mobi, Amazon Paperback, Amazon Hardback, and Amazon Kindle formats… (Apple, Barnes & Noble Nook, KOBO, Scribd, etc releases available as well)